Snowdrops and cyclamens for spring colour (Gillian Goodson Designs)
Spring is bouncing her way to our doorsteps! It is the month when Aphrodite and Venus, the Greek and Roman goddesses of love are celebrated.
However, it is Icarus who comes to mind; known for not taking heed of his father’s advice, and flying too close to the sun. There are many lessons to be learned from this myth but I applaud Icarus for soaring high, for the sheer exhilaration he would have felt in that moment before his tragic end. Don’t let fear govern your decisions, instead be inspired! Take heed of good advice but may your wings hold steady as you take flight and try new experiences... stretch yourself, expect more of yourself, and don’t be a lesser version of you.
May you have this newfound approach to gardening! Let’s go out there and conquer, and if you need to divide to conquer, then invite friends (with the promise of a home cooked meal) to help you tackle that seemingly scary thing out there!
Some things to do this month: the dead stems on herbaceous perennials will need cutting back to just above ground level; prune dead or any cross-branching from deciduous shrubs; starting weeding before they take hold; broad beans, peas, spinach, leeks, and sweet peas can be sown indoor; and chit potatoes.
Spring bulbs are an invaluable source of nectar for insects. It is the wrong season to be planting bulbs but it’s the perfect time to visit other gardens and be inspired by what you could do in yours. Plan ahead. Take snaps for reminders of what tickled you and made you smile.
Be on the look out for the delightful lilac petals of Crocus tommasinianus, the golden yellow of C. ‘Yellow Mammoth’, or melt-in-the-mouth, buttery-yellow of C. chrysanthus ‘Cream Beauty’. Plant in the autumn in clusters and look to achieve a naturalistic drift. Add in snowdrops for a low maintenance combination eg native Galanthus nivalis. Scatter in a few of the scented giant snowdrop, G. woronowii.
May we help and encourage each other and ourselves a little more each day!